
Bayesian Planning

The Bayesian planning analysis allows you to plan an audit sample without a data file using Bayesian statistics.

Default options

Population materiality:

Advanced options

Inherent risk and control risk:

Expected errors:

Explanatory text:

Planning distribution:

Default Output

Planning summary

Tables and plots

Implied prior from risk assessments

Expected posterior

Expected Bayes factor

Implicit sample

Decision analysis


Dyer, D., & Pierce, R. L. (1993). On the choice of the prior distribution in hypergeometric sampling. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 22(8), 2125-2146

Interdepartementaal Overlegorgaan Departementale Accountantsdiensten (2007). Handboek Auditing Rijksoverheid 2007, established by the Interdepartementaal Overlegorgaan Departementale Accountantsdiensten (IODAD) on March 28, 2006, and May 29, 2007

Swart de J, Wille J, Majoor B (2013). Het 'Push Left'-Principe als Motor van Data Analytics in de Accountantscontrole [The 'Push-Left'-Principle as a Driver of Data Analytics in Financial Audit]. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 87, 425-432

koenderks/JASP-for-Audit documentation built on June 22, 2019, 2:57 a.m.